Race date is April 27, 2014 and time is 8 AM at RiverEdge Park.


Whether you have already registered for the 2nd 2 None 5K Run & Walk, or are still undecided, here is a bit of history on Aurora and a preview of a few of the historical buildings you will see along the race route.

Joseph McCarty, a pioneer from New York State, came west seeking a new home.  Reaching the Fox Valley, he built the first campfire in April of 1834 on the island, which is now the site of downtown Aurora.  He thought that the Fox River location was an ideal place to start a community and told his brother, Samuel.  It was not long before Samuel arrived, family was sent for, and a permanent settlement was taking roots.  The settlement was named McCarty Mill for the brothers’ grist mill and sawmill.  In 1837, when a Post Office was established, the village became Aurora, goddess of the dawn.  Later, when the City was the first in the United States to use electric lights for publicly lighting the entire City, it achieved the nickname of “City of Lights”.  The modest camp of 1834 has grown into a teeming city.  The City has steadily grown throughout the years to become the second largest city in the state.  (information received from City of Aurora website)

2nd2none_01One of the buildings you will be passing is the Old Second Bank building. “William George, bank president from 1895-1933, selected George Grant Elmslie to execute “a structure that would grow old with dignity and charm, but contain the spirit of a new day in commerce, the arts and the social welfare of the  community.”  The building reflects some of the best features of this Prairie style: the Roman brick masonry, terra cotta ornaments, stained glass windows in a geometric motif, and the incorporation of sculpture into the design of the building. Sculptor, Emil Zettler, designed a sculpture depicting the trades in the community, such as farming, animal husbandry, commerce, manufacturing, merchant trade and mining.  A mural on the inside depicts the history of the community, done by muralist John W. Norton.  The building was added to the National Register of Historic Places on May 8, 1979. (information gathered from U.S. National Register of Historic Places on Waymarking.com)

A few of the other buildings you will see from a distance are:2nd2none_02

Leland Tower, a first-class 22 story hotel and entertainment center, built in 1928, and currently an apartment building, located on Stolp Avenue;

2nd2none_03The two-story Sherer building was built in 1910,
and is located on Downer Place;

Paramount Arts Centre, built in 1931, as a movie palace, located
on Galena Blvd., and now hosts movies and theatre productions.2nd2none_04

If you would like to see the historical buildings up close, join us for the 2nd 2 None 5K Run & Walk, which steps off at 8 AM from the new RiverEdge Park in downtown Aurora. Participants will run through the beautiful park, along the streets of historic downtown Aurora and finish along the Fox River Trail in RiverEdge Park.  Click here to view the course map.

Race day registration cost will be $45.00.  Pre-register now to receive a discount; the earlier you register the better the discount.

Continue to watch our website at www.2nd2none5k.com as we update and add additional information on the race and family activities being planned.


Theresa Shoemaker – Executive Director, Communities In Schools
Marilyn H. Weisner – Executive Director, Aurora Area Interfaith Food Pantry

Communities In Schools - Aurora Logo 2nd2None 5K Run & Walk - 2014 Logo Aurora Area Interfaith Food Pantry Logo